Industry in a net-zero emissions world: New mitigation pathways, new supply chains, modelling needs and policy implications | Elsevier Enhanced Reader (Energy and Climate Change, Volume 2, 2021.)
" most existing industrial decarbonization analysis (assumes) that the world will maintain essentially the same heavy industry supply chain structure that has been used since the
mid 1800s".
"Global net-zero emissions means that these industries face far deeper transformation and potentially costly offsetting. It is also becoming clear.. that very low emissions in heavy industry are technically possible using a spectrum of new options, including demand management, materials efficiency, and direct and green hydrogen-based electrification of primary materials production, facilitated by the falling cost of renewable electricity. Very low emissions production chains mean changes to the location of the world's heavy industry, including splitting processes into components to allow use of large-scale low-cost renewable energy or access to geological CO2 storage, with implications for trade. ...."
I will again go back to the definitions. If " the top" has a profile who is well established and deserves this status , who recognises and respects others, who is ready to give than to take and who feels responsible for others' lives and future generations ; then we could expect "the top" has higher responsibility for the problem and a higher potential to contribute to solving it. Unfortunately , such
" the top"s are at present outnumbered by the fake " the top"s who don't give a s... to what happens to others and the planet.
As a futurist, I would put similar words together to express my thoughts about the subject, however it would not be a futuristic scenario, because it is happening today. I have been dealing with climate issues since about ten years and always had faith in the leaders who were policy makers, opinion leaders, politicians until very recently. We all know that some of those flew with own jets to Glasgow, some had to give speeches or make promises during the sessions and those words were never meant with honestly. So useless....
This brought me eventually to think that the solutions could only come from the bottom, not from the top. From People, from you, from me and from every single individual in the furthest corner of the planet. It is NOW that we need to demand, be part of the action, and move, move fast and solid... The execution of such action is too critical and valuable to leave to industry leaders and politicians...
I am open to hear any comment... pro.s/con.s and more...