Wonder how our future will look like? The future that is further away then we can ever imagine?
With the VR Time Machine, it is possible to explore the Big Future, dive into a time in which everything changes.
Travel billions of years in the Future via the exhibition of Next Nature Future Travels which lets you experience a hyper-realistic digital environment that stimulated the end of the Earth, the solar system and new beginnings and imagine different possibilities of human evolution and different scenarios of how the planet and beyond could transform.
Can you imagine traveling in time? If you could travel in time, would you prefer to travel forward or backward in time
Source: https://nextnaturefuturetravels.com/en
I find augmented reality more exciting than virtual reality, and this view has nothing to do with the fact that VR glasses immediately make me sick ( :D )
I think that VR is a technology from the 80s, is still extremely little used, although so much potential is there.