During 2019 antibiotic resistant bacteria killed 1.27 million people and the proportion of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics is on the rise. “In a world where antibiotic use has become so commonplace, resistant bacteria out-compete those that are killed off by pharmaceuticals,” says Mohsen Naghavi, a health-metrics scientist...
The staggering death toll of drug-resistant bacteria (nature.com)
Here is something from WHO - but sepsis numbers are unknown or increasing...
Totally agree Nikos!
France has been involved for many years in the fight against antibiotic resistance, which is a real threat to public health, identified as a priority issue by the WHO and the United Nations. An interministerial roadmap published in 2016 lists 40 actions to be carried out in France, from a "One Health" perspective.
Every year, a report presents the main actions carried out in human health during the year, along several lines:
1 / awareness raising and communication with the general public and health professionals
2/ Training of health professionals - prevention/control of infections and proper use of antibiotics
3/ Research and innovation in the control of antibiotic resistance
4/ Measuring and monitoring antibiotic resistance
5/ Inter-ministerial and international actions
See: https://solidarites-sante.gouv.fr/prevention-en-sante/les-antibiotiques-des-medicaments-essentiels-a-preserver/des-politiques-publiques-pour-preserver-l-efficacite-des-antibiotiques/documents-de-synthese-presentant-la-strategie-nationale-de-lutte-contre-l
In the framework of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, a dedicated event will be held in June.
See: https://www.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/fr/evenements-labellises-par-le-mesri-organises-dans-le-cadre-de-la-presidence-francaise-du-conseil-de-82936