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April 26, 2023


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A future where people recognize others as human beings, with feelings, hopes, pains and joys just like themselves. No matter if they have a different skin colour, they come from beyond the borders, they have different values or different beliefs.
If this came true, solidarity would be our daily bread and people would think critacally instead of retweeting the latest fake news as it was the truth that will change the world’s destiny.
In this further there would be a compulsory civil service for all, aimed at exploring diversity. Education would be focused on learning to learn, giving knowledge, skills but also attitudes, especially openness towards possible alternatives to what is known, thus comfortable . Healthcare would be holistic and integrate care and well being to cures.
Public services would serve people and not tick the box of solved tickets. People would find meaning in their jobs, because jobs would be prevented from being harmful to people or the planet. In my future people nations will cooperate because the common good is greater than gaining advantage over the neighbor.




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