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URBAN FORAGING | A dystopian scenario for the future of food in today's cities - A project by Sharp & Sour.

Economic inequality, the exponential growth of population, our disconnection from the source of our food, and the rapid expansion of cities will only get worse. So what if these issues extended to a point where the only source of food available was the one that grows within the city limits?

Image by Sharp and Sour, via

For this speculative piece, we asked ourselves what it would be like to source our own food from our urban surroundings, from the city we live in. In order to do so, we went all over Barcelona and picked whatever food we found there, to cook finally three dystopian recipes with those ingredients.

We went deep into the city of Barcelona, looking for sources of protein, fibre, or vitamins. We collected plants, seeds, flowers, and even mushrooms that we carefully washed and processed in different ways to make the most out of them.

Image by Sharp and Sour, via

It was a complex process of sourcing and researching. Ingredients not only had to be edible but also cooked in a way that would make the most out of them and enhance their inherent properties and benefits. We discovered that acorns need to be leached in order to get rid of the tannins and that grounded carob seeds were used in times of scarcity as a

substitute for chocolate.





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