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Hanna Jertz
Feb 07, 2022
In Climate & Geoengineering
Unfortunately, the bee population is rapidly declining. To reverse the decline of bees, organisations are looking into technology to analyse ecosystems and create innovative tools to face this problem. For instance, the World Hive Network©, a global network of beehives, collects data found with the help of AI, IoT and Big Data to monitor and improve the health of bees and consequently the environment. This Network offers researchers, policy makers, beekeepers and farmers valuable insights to ensure sustainable practises and ecosystems. "For the global community we offer a ground-breaking solution, the world’s first global bee health data platform that can also connect people to the global movement to protect pollinators. The World Hive Network© is the first and the most ambitious effort ever undertaken to track the health of the global honey bee and eventually wild bee populations. We are building a system that will connect the world’s beehives to a single global network. As well as directly safeguarding bees it will harness the power of bee derived intelligence for solutions to wider issues of biodiversity, climate change, food security and human wellbeing." Source: #bees #pollution #biodiversity #climatechange
Hanna Jertz
Feb 07, 2022
In The Future of Health
"COVID-19 and Well-being: Life in the Pandemic explores the immediate implications of the pandemic for people’s lives and livelihoods in OECD countries. The report charts the course of well-being – from jobs and incomes through to social connections, health, work-life balance, safety and more – using data collected during the first 12-15 months of the pandemic. It also takes stock of what has happened to human, economic, social and natural capital that, beyond their effects on people’s lives today, shape living conditions for years to come. It shows how COVID-19 has had far-reaching consequences for how we live, work and connect with one another, and how experiences of the pandemic varied widely, depending on whether and where people work, their gender, age, race and ethnicity, education and income levels. The report also examines the role that well-being evidence can play in supporting governments’ pandemic recovery efforts. It argues that a well-being lens can prompt policy-makers to refocus on the outcomes that matter the most to people, to redesign policy content from a more multidimensional perspective, to realign policy practice across government silos, and to reconnect people with the public institutions that serve them." I am wondering about the after-effects of corona? What policies will shift/adapt/ stay the same? How the approach of education and work will develop and generally how wellbeing will be treated in society. What are your thoughts? Source:
COVID-19 and Well-being: Life in the Pandemic content media
Hanna Jertz
Feb 02, 2022
In General AI
Trustworthy artificial intelligence (AI) can bring many benefits, such as better healthcare, safer and cleaner transport, more efficient manufacturing, and cheaper and more sustainable energy. The EU’s approach to AI will give people the confidence to embrace these technologies while encouraging businesses to develop them. Source: #ai #europe #health
Hanna Jertz
Jan 30, 2022
In Towards a Global Science
Instead of joining the billionaire space race and thinking about space tourism, co-founder of Apple Steve Wosniak has decided to center his attention towards tackling the orbital debris problem "Apple's co-founder plans to bring disruption to a new industry: the long-standing effort to clean up dangerous space junk." "A narrator boldly summarizes the company's vision amid dazzling stock pictures of spaceflight and climate change. "This isn’t a race. It isn’t a competition. Or a game. We are not one person, one company, one nation. We are one planet," the video states, without clearly elucidating what the company plans to do." Video: Source: #climatechange #space #garbage
Hanna Jertz
Jan 30, 2022
In The Future of Health
The global pandemic has highly affected the mental health of many. On the one hand, it has opened up doors to destigmatize mental health. On the other hand, due to changes and uncertainty like lockdowns and social distancing, it is not clear how things will develop once "things go back to normal". How do you believe mental health will develop in the workplace? And how will the health care industry transition? Will people have long-lasting effects? "[Employers] understand the impact on mental health is going to have a long tail on it. Once you've gotten vaccinated, mental health issues don't go away. And once you're back in the workplace, mental health issues don't go away," said Sandra Kuhn, the national leader for the behavioral health practice at benefits consulting firm Mercer." "The stigma around mental health is rapidly decreasing. It's now a part of everyday conversation. So employers have more visibility into mental distress in their workforce," said Joe Grasso, senior director of workforce mental health at Lyra Health, which provides employees access to a network of mental health professionals and related resources." Source: #health #mentalhealth #pandemic
Hanna Jertz
Jan 30, 2022
In The Future of Health
"More recently, research has highlighted the negative impacts that sleep deprivation can have on other areas of our physical and mental health, including obesity and loneliness, both leading risk factors for premature death themselves. In the light of this, might we start to see sleep join free speech and education as a fundamental human right? We don’t get enough sleep as a country, with neuroscientists such as Matthew Walker claiming we're in the midst of a sleep-loss epidemic. Disparities in the amount of shut-eye we get based on gender, ethnicity and occupation are also becoming increasingly apparent, underscoring the need to develop a better understanding of sleep inequalities." Source: #health #inequality #sleep
Hanna Jertz
Jan 26, 2022
In Lifestyles and the Environment
It seems like we are going from "meatless" to "milkiness" to "beanless". Unfortunately, the coffee industry has been part of climate change, slave labor and deforestation. In order to make sustainable coffee for coffee lovers, a Seattle-based company named Atomo decided to create lab-grown beans that are consequently sustainably sourced and apparently even better-tasting than "real" coffee. #labmade #coffee #sustainable #sourcing Source:
Hanna Jertz
Jan 26, 2022
In Lifestyles and the Environment
Wonder how our future will look like? The future that is further away then we can ever imagine? With the VR Time Machine, it is possible to explore the Big Future, dive into a time in which everything changes. Travel billions of years in the Future via the exhibition of Next Nature Future Travels which lets you experience a hyper-realistic digital environment that stimulated the end of the Earth, the solar system and new beginnings and imagine different possibilities of human evolution and different scenarios of how the planet and beyond could transform. Can you imagine traveling in time? If you could travel in time, would you prefer to travel forward or backward in time Source:
Next Nature Future Travels content media
Hanna Jertz
Jan 19, 2022
In The Future of Health
Robots and AI have become relevant tools in our health care system. Robots can take care of you and remind you of your medication intakes. Artificial intelligence can detect cancer. Source:
Hanna Jertz
Jan 19, 2022
In The Future of Health
"Last summer, a doctor wrote “climate change” in his patient’s chart. But is medicine really ready to address systemic health impacts?" Source:
Hanna Jertz
Jan 19, 2022
In General AI
"Using a laptop in a public space is commonplace for many mobile professionals but leaves them open to potential theft, so the 'BusKill' USB cord has been created as a piece of equipment for enhancing peace of mind amongst users. The device works by being set up with the computer using user-configurable triggers and being connected to the system when out in public or whenever users are weary about their physical security. The magnetic breakaway design of the cable will automatically carry out system locking or even data destroying if the laptop is separated from the owner. The 'BusKill' USB cord is ideal for use amongst avid travelers and activists, while also being great for journalists and crypto traders who want to ensure enhanced security." Source: #security #technology
Hanna Jertz
Jan 19, 2022
In Climate & Geoengineering
"Looking for ways to reduce your carbon footprint? With our carbon dioxide removal subscription service, you can order the removal of CO₂ from the air, permanently. Let's reverse climate change by restoring a healthy balance of CO₂. Just choose your climate-positive action (no strings attached) and you get a confirmation of the amount of carbon dioxide removal you have ordered." Source:
Hanna Jertz
Jan 14, 2022
In General AI
The company "NotCo" has created an innovative solution to produce plant-based milk ("NotMilk") that replicates the taste and nutritional value of animal milk. To recreate the regular milk texture and taste, the Artificial Intelligence chef Guiseppe analyzes the product structure at the molecular level and reproduces it with plant molecules. "The solution was simple (for us food-loving geniuses, that is); let’s create an algorithm that could learn how to combine an infinite combination of plants to replicate the flavor & texture of animal products - without compromising on taste, feel, or function." Source: #AI #health #food #texture
Hanna Jertz
Jan 14, 2022
In Towards a Global Science
"Streaming high definition videos on your phone generates approximately four times more emissions into the atmosphere than necessary. The down-to-earth solution? You know it as standard definition. We call it Earth Definition. A greener, much needed alternative to HD that lets you stream responsibly." Source:
The new standard in streaming -Earth definition content media
Hanna Jertz
Jan 14, 2022
In The Future of Health
"The cosmetics company shut down its Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok accounts on Friday. Lush’s chief executive, Mark Constantine, said the decision to get rid of its accounts came because of the deep problems the company's seen with safety on social media. "I've spent all my life avoiding putting harmful ingredients in my products. There is now overwhelming evidence we are being put at risk when using social media," Constantine said in a statement. "I'm not willing to expose my customers to this harm, so it's time to take it out of the mix."" What do you think of Lush's decision to leave Social Media (for now)? Was it a smart move for their business? Are they being a role model for other companies? Leave your comments and thoughts below. Source: Source of Photo: #digitaldetox #socialmedia #health #lush
Social media is dangerous for young people — so Lush is quitting content media
Hanna Jertz
Jan 14, 2022
In The Future of Health
A few days ago, the German climate activist, influencer and business owner Louisa Dellert, started a debate on Linkedin about female health - specifically destigmatizing menstruation. She addressed menstruation at the workplace and how periods are affecting the well-being as well as productivity of women at work. She mentions that a friend gets so-called "period leave". Companies like Nike have implemented the "period leave" since 2007. What are your thoughts on this Linkedin post and what do you think of standardizing "period leaves"? Source: #health #femaleempowerment #companies
How period-friendly is our corporate culture? content media
Hanna Jertz
Jan 14, 2022
In Lifestyles and the Environment
"Solar Foods discovered Solein, a protein-rich food made from natural single-cell organisms. Solein combines the benefits, tastes and nutrients of both animal and plant proteins. We take our ingredients straight from the air by utilising renewable energy and the untapped microbiological diversity of planet Earth." Source:
A new dimension in food production - Solar Foods content media
Hanna Jertz
Jan 14, 2022
In The Future of Health
The Dutch chocolate-making company Tony Chocolonely is known for its chocolate bars as well as their social impact regards child labor and slavery in the cacao industry. In addition to spreading awareness to social issues like human work and fair trade, Tony Chocolonely is now also lobbying for a sugar tax as they admit to being part of the health problem. "Thanks to Covid, health is, once again, a top priority. After all, we’re an impact company that makes chocolate, not the other way around. And besides, we were founded to tackle challenges in the cocoa industry, like modern slavery and illegal child labor. These will always remain our primary areas of focus. Sugar happens to be the inconvenient ingredient that helps make our work possible" (Tony Chocolonely, 2022). #health #food #company #impact Source:
Facing up to an inconvenient truth: we’re part of the sugar problem content media

Hanna Jertz

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