Prof. Dr. phil. Kerstin Cuhls is a scientific project manager at the Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI) since 1992. She tries to keep the overview on things to come - in several Foresight projects and with different approaches.
Kerstin Cuhls is Professor at the University of Heidelberg, Centre for East Asian and Transcultural Studies. She studied Japanology, Chinese Studies and Economics/Business Administration, and now combines this knowledge with methods from Foresight/ Futures Research. Kerstin teaches methods of Foresight/ Futures Research at the Free University of Berlin, and the Bundesakademie für Sicherheitspolitik (BAKS), both Berlin/ Germany, and several other universities.
She was member of several expert groups working for the European Commission, involved in projects on Post Covid-19 futures and future EU agenda setting, and she is part of Horizon 2020 projects for the European Commission as well as German BMBF projects, current favourite: CIRCADIA , a project about chronobiology. Curious? See more on our website:
Prof. Dr.
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