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We bring together futurists and foresight community members with EU policy-makers and citizens.

This platform seeks to collect, host, and distribute foresight activities in and about Europe.


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Enter the world of foresight by browsing through relevant themes. You will find related research, projects, thoughts from citizens, events and more. The themes are dynamic and reflect broader current developments and discussions in the foresight community.

Alternative Economies

Alternative Economies

Evolution of Governance

Evolution of Governance

The risks and the merits of uncertainty

The risks and the merits of uncertainty

Living the life

Living the life



Ecodynamics of Life

Ecodynamics of Life

Take Care of Co2

Take Care of Co2

Some Futures of Technology

Some Futures of Technology

Social Challenges, Social Strength

Social Challenges, Social Strength

71 percent is water

71 percent is water

On the move

On the move

Eating (in) the Future

Eating (in) the Future


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Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ...

Aufklappbarer Text ist ideal für längere Abschnittstitel und Beschreibungen. So können Personen auf alle notwendigen Informationen zugreifen, während das Layout übersichtlich bleibt. Verlinke deinen Text beliebig oder richte ein Textfeld ein, das sich per Klick vergrößert. Text hier eingeben ...

Firstname Lastname


23 Dec 2023





Artificial General Intelligence_Issues and Opportunities_Rapid exploration.pdf


Albert Norström

Foresight on Demand - Foresight towards the 2nd Strategic Plan for Horizon Europe.pdf


Albert Norström

Futures of Big Tech in Europe. Scenarios and Policy Implications.pdf


Albert Norström

Identifying future critical technologies for space, defence and related civil industries.pdf


Albert Norström

Eyes on the Future - Signals from recent reports on emerging technologies and breakthrough innovations to support European Innovation Council strategic intelligence - Volume 1.pdf


Albert Norström



Browse our project database and find out more about foresight projects in and outside Europe. Connect with community members working on similar issues as yourself and learn about latest outputs from projects in the foresight community.

Futures Literacy

New to foresight or want to deepen your knowledge on methods? Interested in the latest research and videos from the Futures4Europe community? Find out more in our futures literacy database!


Share your perspective on the future and find out what others think about when looking ahead. Participate in the ongoing dialogue on what Europe and the world may look like in the future. We collect, share and distribute your visions in our stories database.

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