This is a call for professionals working in foresight in the Nordic countries to join the discussion and to contribute and influence the development and formation of the Nordic Foresight Network.

We are thrilled to share more information about an exciting initiative about the Nordic Foresight Network that we have been planning for a while. All professionals working in the Nordic countries are warmly welcomed to join the discussion. Read how you can join us.
Nordic Foresight Network is an initiative started by Futures Finland and Futures Sweden. While the idea's roots take us back to 2021, conversations materialized in official collaboration in early 2024. It was decided to move forward and expand the discussion to include other Nordic countries to create a Nordic Foresight Network. This pioneering network aims to bring together forward-thinking individuals, organizations, and communities across the Nordic region to envision and shape our futures collaboratively.
We organized an event in 2021, where the initiative was initially introduced to a wider audience of foresight professionals in Finland and Sweden. Support for the initiative was perceived as robust, given that nothing similar existed. Cooperation between Nordic countries has strengthened in the last years in many areas and it felt like a good timing now to also strengthen Nordic foresight.
As a first step, we invite all Nordic countries to contribute valuable insights and perspectives to the initiative, which is the creation of the Nordic Foresight Network. We first want to find and connect people interested in the creation of the Nordic Foresight Network, to hear your thoughts, and then start the formal creation.
We invite you to complete our survey to help us build a valuable network.
Your views are essential, and we want your thoughts on how you might like to be involved in the Nordic Foresight Network. Please share your ideas and preferences by answering the survey by 30th September 2024. The survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.
We look forward to your thoughts and thank you for your time.
If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us at
With Best Regard,
Minna Koskelo, Chair of the board, Futures Finland Association & Futures Finland volunteers