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    Last Edited: 21 days ago

    Scenarios for the future of school education in the EUSeptember 2023

    A Foresight Study

    The foresight study focused on school education (ISCED levels 1-3) in the EU. It aimed at:

    • developing four scenarios, describing potential alternative futures of the school education in the EUby 2040.
    • identifying the preferred scenario developments.
    • providing recommendations on the policy measures that could be introduced, or strengthened, tohelp school education in the EU move towards the preferred future scenario.

    The development of the scenarios was based on the factors of change1, identified through desk research, horizon scanning, and extensive stakeholder involvement. More than 80 European Commission officials, school education experts, representatives of teacher, student and headmaster umbrella organisations, and other stakeholders, from across the EU, contributed to the study, by participating in four workshops, a Delphi survey, and interviews.

    Posted on: 29/01/2025

    Last Edited: 21 days ago

    FOD Education1

    Scenarios for the Future of School Education in the EU - A Foresight Study

    A foresight study on school education (ISCED levels 1-3) in the EU, which aimed at developing four scenarios, describing potential alternative futures of the school education in the EU by 2040, identifying the preferred scenario developments and providing recommendations on the policy measures that could be introduced, or strengthened, to help school education in the EU move towards the preferred future scenario.

    Posted on: 29/01/2025

    Last Edited: a month ago

    Mission Area: Adaptation to Climate Change, Including Societal TransformationJuly 2021

    Foresight on Demand Brief in Support of the Horizon Europe Mission Board

    This final report summarises the results of the actions to support the Mission Board for “Adaptation to Climate Change, including Societal Transformation” with forward-looking evidence.

    In accordance with the Request, the proposed services, approaches to be adopted, and the concrete nature and form of the outputs have been shaped and validated through close interaction with the Mission Board (MB) via the Mission Secretariat, run by relevant European Commission (EC) services, throughout the implementation of the action.

    As a result of the interactions with the Mission Secretariat, the following actions were taken:

    1. Preparing a short paper Input to Mission Board on scoping activities & tasks
      (Deliverable 1)
    2. Analysing national and regional funding programmes of selected countries for
      projects on Climate Change Adaptation, and conducting interviews with selected
      Mission Board members in preparation of a foresight workshop.
    3. Preparing an input paper for the foresight workshop Input Document FoD CCA
      Workshop, 23 January 2020 (Deliverable 2).
    4. Holding a foresight workshop (23 January 2020) with Mission Board members,
      European Commission representatives (Mission Secretariat), and foresight experts,
      and summarising the results of the workshop. The workshop served to identify
      barriers and solutions, enablers and impacts of climate change adaptation in a variety
      of thematic fields, including health, water, food and agriculture.
    5. Developing and implementing a Delphi survey on assessing key aspects of the draft
      paper of the Mission Board. The survey addressed climate experts. They assessed
      future targets in thematic fields (e.g. financial risks, health, social infrastructure), and
      ranked related measures and R&I fields for importance.
    6. Preparing and analysing the results of the Delphi survey: Delphi Survey results,
      July/August 2020 (Deliverables 3 and 4).

    The report is structured along these deliverables.

    Posted on: 20/01/2025