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Last Edited: a day ago

The National Strategy for Research Innovation and Smart Specialization 2022-2027

The National Strategy for Research, Innovation, and Smart Specialisation (SNCISI) 2022–2027 represents Romania’s comprehensive approach to fostering a modern, sustainable, and impactful research and innovation ecosystem. Coordinated by the Ministry of Research, Innovation, and Digitalization (MCID), this strategy aligns with Romania’s national development goals and its commitments under the European Research Area (ERA). SNCISI is designed to address pressing societal challenges, stimulate economic transformation, and elevate Romania’s global standing in research and innovation.

This strategy highlights the pivotal role of research, development, and innovation (RDI) in driving sustainable growth, advancing scientific discovery, and creating new technologies that directly enhance quality of life, productivity, and economic competitiveness. At its core, the SNCISI aims to integrate the principles of open science, ensure inclusivity in research priorities, and align Romania’s efforts with global and European benchmarks.

Through SNCISI, Romania emphasises a dual commitment: first, to support foundational and applied research excellence by creating favourable conditions for researchers, institutions, and private stakeholders; second, to catalyse public-private collaboration that addresses challenges like climate change, digitalization, and health crises. The strategy views science and innovation not merely as tools for economic growth but as vital contributors to societal well-being and global problem-solving.

SNCISI’s development is rooted in an extensive consultative process involving regional and national stakeholders, ensuring that the strategy is representative of Romania’s diverse socioeconomic landscape. It integrates input from academia, government, industry, and civil society to outline actionable pathways that connect research activities with tangible societal and economic outcomes.

The strategy is framed around four major objectives (OGs) and five smart specialisation domains that align with regional and national strengths. These axes ensure a coherent alignment of resources, infrastructure, and expertise to drive both regional and national priorities forward.

Objectives include:

OG1: Developing the research, development, and innovation system.
OG2: Supporting innovation ecosystems tied to smart specialisations.
OG3: Mobilising towards innovation by enhancing collaboration with the private sector.
OG4: Increasing European and international collaboration.
The SNCISI underscores a commitment to modernising infrastructure, attracting and retaining talented researchers, and fostering an innovation-driven economy. Through its structured framework, it also ensures that public funds are allocated effectively to stimulate high-impact, sustainable outcomes.

Posted on: 09/12/2024

Last Edited: 2 days ago

FenRIAM full guide

Proposal for a Foresight-enriched Research Infrastructure Impact Assessment Methodology

This guide has been produced within the European Commission funded project “Research Infrastructures: Foresight and Impact” (RIFI) aimed at developing a comprehensive methodological framework for assessing socio-economic (SE) im-pacts of future RI projects on hosting regions and communities. The nal product of the project is the FenRIAM (Foresight enriched Research Infrastructure Impact Assessment Methodology) framework, presented in this guide.

Posted on: 09/12/2024

Last Edited: 2 months ago

Eye of Europe's second Mutual Learning Event

Policy Oriented Communication of Foresight Results

The second Mutual Learning Event (MLE) took place online on September 26, 2024, as part of Eye of Europe, a Horizon Europe project which aims to enhance the integration of foresight practices into Research and Innovation (R&I) policy-making across Europe and to nurture a vibrant, cohesive R&I foresight community that contributes significantly, as a collective intelligence, to shaping and guiding policy decisions.

The online MLE brought together fifty participants from diverse stakeholder groups: Eye of Europe partner organizations, the European Commission, R&I funding agencies, representatives of governmental bodies. The event, organized by Technology Centre Prague (TC), focused on the topic of policy oriented communication of foresight results. Group and plenary discussions in three interactive sessions were framed by expert presentations showcasing diverse practices in the application and communication of foresight.


  • Michal Pazour (TC Prague, Czech Republic) introduced the Eye of Europe project and the context of this second Mutual Learning Event.
  • Moderator of the event Lenka Hebáková (TC Prague, Czech Republic) followed up with an introduction to the event’s aims and agenda.
  • Mikko Dufva (SITRA, Finland) – “Communicating foresight. From knowing it all to empowering change”. The presentation included three case studies: SITRA’s decade long experience with megatrends as a platform for dialogue, their work on weak signals as an invitation to broaden futures thinking in a “what if?” spirit and, finally, their efforts to empower others to define futures bottom-up, through small funding to diverse teams across Finland.
  • “Communicating foresight in the European Commission” presented by Maia Knutti and Teodora Garbovan (EU Policy Lab, European Commission) brought insights into how, in the European Commission context, foresight is employed and linked with the policy cycle. Examples covered foresight content (e.g. Strategic Foresight Reports) and engagement tools (e.g. megatrends hub, scenario exploration system) that are serving different stakeholder groups across multiple channels.
  • Bianca Dragomir (Institutul de Prospectiva, Romania) discussed a case study on embedding foresight into policy making in the context of developing the Strategy for Fishing and Aquaculture 2035 in Romania. Moreover, she shared about embedding foresight into both policy making and societal conversation, discussing two Foresight on Demand projects: Scenarios on “Transhumanist Revolutions” and foresight-meets-speculative-design project “Futures Garden”.
  • Totti Könnölä (Insight Foresight Institute, Spain) shared about the Foresight on Demand project "European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe" that advanced several objectives: generating foresight intelligence, i.e. through forward-looking policy briefs; monitoring of foresight activities and providing support for exploitation (Horizon Futures Watch); laying the building blocks for a European foresight community supported by an online platform.
  • Marie Ségur (Futuribles, France) presented a case study on “Future of social work in France to 2035-2050” and the methods employed throughout the process: using surveys to motivate engagement with futures thinking, scenario building that may inform strategic choices and guide towards a vision and, finally, communicating outcomes in a synthetic manner, that may contribute to a wider discussion around the topic.
  • Eye of Europe project coordinator Radu Gheorghiu (UEFISCDI, Romania) shared previews of the upcoming upgrade of the platform, with its new look and extended features.

    This event is the second in a series of five MLEs planned in the project; the following event will be held in January 2025 also in an online format. All Eye of Europe MLEs are organized by Technology Centre Prague (TC), Eye of Europe partner and key Czech national think tank and academia based NGO with a rich experience with knowledge-based policy making support and (participatory as well as expert based) foresight activities.


Posted on: 23/10/2024

Last Edited: a month ago

UN Summit of the Future: Risks on the horizon

Charting the Uncharted: 'Risks on the Horizon'

JRC hosted a panel discussion at the UN Summit of the Future on September 21st 2024 on how foresight can complement classical risk assessment methods.

The United Nations will publish its first Global Risk Report in Autumn 2024. This follows the UNDRR UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction in 2023. The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission published in June 2024 its report "Risks on the Horizon". In addition, the World Economic Forum published its Global Risk Report in January 2024 . The panel gathered together experts behind these reports and speakers highlight how existing foresight methods can help to identify future risks, many of which were inter-generational, by using methods which do not rely on a risk already being known.


Posted on: 04/11/2024

Last Edited: 12 days ago

Futures of Big Tech: Policy Implications Workshop

We organised a series of three workshops: the first two were devoted to devising scenarios, while the third one was meant to derive policy implications.

We work towards antecipating possible scenarios for Europe in 2040 with regard to big business of high-tech industries. As we explore the futures of Big Tech and the implications to Europe there is a number of driver and buffer actors, factors and sectors to take into account.

The series is part of the "European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe" project. It supports the work of the Horizon Europe Foresight Network and provides intelligence and supports the development of a European R&I foresight community.

Posted on: 29/11/2024

Last Edited: 12 days ago

Futures of Green Skills and Jobs: Policy Implications Workshop

We organise a series of three workshops: the first two were devoted to devising scenarios, while the third one was meant to derive policy implications.

Alongside digitalisation and automation trends, the shift towards greener and more sustainable economies is a game changer in EU labour markets. Grounded in long-term transformative trends spanning several decades, the green transitions are picking up speed. The resulting changes in skill1 needs will have impacts far beyond the key occupations driving them, affecting all economic sectors. An important challenge for the coming years is accelerating up- and reskilling so that people have the green skills to thrive in greener jobs.

In this workshop, we seek to develop policy implications based on the scenarios which were devloped in the previous workshops. The series is part of the "European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe" project. It supports the work of the Horizon Europe Foresight Network and provides intelligence and supports the development of a European R&I foresight community.

Posted on: 29/11/2024

Last Edited: 11 days ago

Mutual Learning Exercise on R&I Foresight: Dissemination Event

This event will bring together participants from a Mutual Learning Exercise on R&I Foresight supported by the European Commission, with other policymakers, experts and interested stakeholders to discuss the lessons and takeaways from the year long process.

The Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE) on R&I Foresight was launched in July 2022 at the request of Member States supported by DG Research and Innovation of the European Commission. Nine countries (Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Estonia, Finland, Norway, Portugal, Romania, and Slovenia), the European Commission and a team of foresight experts, have been actively involved.

The aim of the MLE was to facilitate the exchange of information, experiences and lessons from the practice of R&I foresight across EU and Associated Countries, in order to contribute to the development of an impactful R&I foresight community as an important element of the European Research Area.

Location: Estonian Permanent Representation , Rue Guimard 11, 1040 Bruxelles, Belgium

Posted on: 29/11/2024

Last Edited: 11 days ago

HORIZON FUTURES WATCH WORKSHOP #4: Futures of interpenetration of criminal and lawful activities

The evolving complexity of global challenges is increasingly affecting the steering of European Research and Innovation which aims at addressing important present and future societal concerns. The idea of ‘watching futures’ to anticipate future possibilities and analyse the consequences of current choices to inform and shape a forward-looking EU R&I policy is continuously gaining ground. 

In this light, as part of the ‘European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe’ study launched by the European Commission in connection to the Horizon Europe Foresight Network, a second series of online workshops will take place during October – November 2023.

The workshops, which will run for two hours each, will discuss insights stemming from thematic policy briefs compiled by expert panels, addressing possible future scenarios for critical issues (i.e., Interpretation of Criminal and Lawful Activities, Green Skills and Jobs, Big Tech, etc.). Following the presentation of each policy brief, each workshop will feature two focus groups: one involving the group of experts from the panel who developed the policy brief and one including representatives from topic-relevant EU-funded R&I projects. All events will foster extensive engagement with participants, including policymakers.

Posted on: 29/11/2024

Last Edited: 11 days ago

Futures of Big Tech: 2nd Scenario Building Workshop

We organise a series of three workshops: the first two are devoted to devise scenarios, while the third one will derive policy implications.

We work towards antecipating possible scenarios for Europe in 2040 with regard to big business of high-tech industries. As we explore the futures of Big Tech and the implications to Europe there is a number of driver and buffer actors, factors and sectors to take into account.

The series is part of the "European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe" project. It supports the work of the Horizon Europe Foresight Network and provides intelligence and supports the development of a European R&I foresight community.

Posted on: 29/11/2024

Last Edited: 11 days ago

Futures of Big Tech: 1st Scenario Building Workshop

We organise a series of three workshops: the first two are devoted to devise scenarios, while the third one will derive policy implications.

We work towards antecipating possible scenarios for Europe in 2040 with regard to big business of high-tech industries. As we explore the futures of Big Tech and the implications to Europe there is a number of driver and buffer actors, factors and sectors to take into account.

The series is part of the "European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe" project. It supports the work of the Horizon Europe Foresight Network and provides intelligence and supports the development of a European R&I foresight community.

Posted on: 29/11/2024

Last Edited: 11 days ago

Futures of Green Skills and Jobs: 2nd Scenario Building Workshop

We organise a series of three workshops: the first two are devoted to devise scenarios, while the third one will derive policy implications.

Alongside digitalisation and automation trends, the shift towards greener and more sustainable economies is a game changer in EU labour markets. Grounded in long-term transformative trends spanning several decades, the green transitions are picking up speed. The resulting changes in skill1 needs will have impacts far beyond the key occupations driving them, affecting all economic sectors. An important challenge for the coming years is accelerating up- and reskilling so that people have the green skills to thrive in greener jobs.
In this workshop, we seek to develop scenarios for the future of green skills and jobs. The series is part of the "European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe" project. It supports the work of the Horizon Europe Foresight Network and provides intelligence and supports the development of a European R&I foresight community.

Posted on: 29/11/2024

Last Edited: 11 days ago

Futures of Green Skills and Jobs: 1st Scenario Building Workshop

We organise a series of three workshops: the first two are devoted to devise scenarios, while the third one will derive policy implications.

Alongside digitalisation and automation trends, the shift towards greener and more sustainable economies is a game changer in EU labour markets. Grounded in long-term transformative trends spanning several decades, the green transitions are picking up speed. The resulting changes in skill needs will have impacts far beyond the key occupations driving them, affecting all economic sectors. An important challenge for the coming years is accelerating up- and reskilling so that people have the green skills to thrive in greener jobs.

In this workshop, we seek to develop scenarios for the future of green skills and jobs. The series is part of the "European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe" project. It supports the work of the Horizon Europe Foresight Network and provides intelligence and supports the development of a European R&I foresight community.

Posted on: 29/11/2024

Last Edited: 11 days ago

Futures of interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activities - Workshop #4

We organise a series of four workshops: the first three are devoted to devise scenarios, while the fourth one will derive policy implications.

On behalf of the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, the “Foresight on Demand” consortium is conducting a foresight-like project “European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe”. Eight deep-dive studies are to be conducted in 2023, leading to policy briefs to support European Union and national policy-makers. One of these topics is the “Futures of interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activities” with a time horizon of 2040.

Please express your interest to contribute to building scenarios on the “Futures of interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activities” by filling in the form below. This Deep Dive project considers – among other issues – the possibility of identifying, differentiating, and controlling criminal and lawful economic activities, the relevant trend and drivers shaping the possible futures for the interpenetration of these activities, the level of control technically feasible and socially and economically desirable to fight the interpenetration of criminal economic activities. The policy brief will highlight the major implications for EU and national policy-makers, with an emphasis on research and innovation policies.

We organise a series of four workshops: the first three of those are devoted to devise scenarios, while the fourth one will derive policy implications:

  • the 1st scenario WS is to be held from 10:00 to 13:00 on 12 June 2023,
  • the 2nd scenario WS is to be held from 16:30 to 19:30 on 26 June 2023,
  • the 3rd scenario WS is to be held from 16:00 to 18:00 on 31 July 2023,
  • the policy implications WS is to be held from 16:00 to 18:00 on 4 September 2023.

Posted on: 29/11/2024

Last Edited: 11 days ago

Futures of interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activities - Workshop #3

We organise a series of four workshops: the first three are devoted to devise scenarios, while the fourth one will derive policy implications.

On behalf of the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, the “Foresight on Demand” consortium is conducting a foresight-like project “European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe”. Eight deep-dive studies are to be conducted in 2023, leading to policy briefs to support European Union and national policy-makers. One of these topics is the “Futures of interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activities” with a time horizon of 2040.

Please express your interest to contribute to building scenarios on the “Futures of interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activities” by filling in the form below. This Deep Dive project considers – among other issues – the possibility of identifying, differentiating, and controlling criminal and lawful economic activities, the relevant trend and drivers shaping the possible futures for the interpenetration of these activities, the level of control technically feasible and socially and economically desirable to fight the interpenetration of criminal economic activities. The policy brief will highlight the major implications for EU and national policy-makers, with an emphasis on research and innovation policies.

We organise a series of four workshops: the first three of those are devoted to devise scenarios, while the fourth one will derive policy implications:

  • the 1st scenario WS is to be held from 10:00 to 13:00 on 12 June 2023,
  • the 2nd scenario WS is to be held from 16:30 to 19:30 on 26 June 2023,
  • the 3rd scenario WS is to be held from 16:00 to 18:00 on 31 July 2023,
  • the policy implications WS is to be held from 16:00 to 18:00 on 4 September 2023.

Posted on: 29/11/2024

Last Edited: 11 days ago

HORIZON FUTURES WATCH WORKSHOP #3: Futures of science for policy in Europe

Scenarios and R&l policy implications

Trends that are likely to shape the ecosystem of science advice to policy in Europe in the future and their impacts

The evolving complexity of global challenges is increasingly affecting the steering of European Research and Innovation which aims at addressing important present and future societal concerns. The idea of ‘watching futures’ to anticipate future possibilities and analyse the consequences of current choices to inform and shape a forward-looking EU R&I policy is continuously gaining ground.

In this light, as part of the ‘European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe’ study launched by the European Commission in connection to the Horizon Europe Foresight Network, a series of online workshops will take place during the Spring and early Summer of 2023.

These workshops, which will run for two hours each, will discuss insights stemming from thematic policy briefs compiled by expert panels, addressing possible future scenarios for critical issues (i.e., social confrontations, use and management of land and sea, science for policy, etc.). Each workshop will feature experts from the panels who developed the policy brief, guest speakers from relevant EU R&I projects and policy-makers, and will involve extensive engagement with participants. 

Posted on: 29/11/2024

Last Edited: 11 days ago

Futures of interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activities - Workshop #2

We organise a series of three workshops: the first two are devoted to devise scenarios, while the third one will derive policy implications.

On behalf of the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, the “Foresight on Demand” consortium is conducting a foresight-like project “European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe”. Eight deep-dive studies are to be conducted in 2023, leading to policy briefs to support European Union and national policy-makers. One of these topics is the “Futures of interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activities” with a time horizon of 2040.

Please express your interest to contribute to building scenarios on the “Futures of interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activities” by filling in the form below. This Deep Dive project considers – among other issues – the possibility of identifying, differentiating, and controlling criminal and lawful economic activities, the relevant trend and drivers shaping the possible futures for the interpenetration of these activities, the level of control technically feasible and socially and economically desirable to fight the interpenetration of criminal economic activities. The policy brief will highlight the major implications for EU and national policy-makers, with an emphasis on research and innovation policies.

We organise a series of three workshops: the first two of those are devoted to devise scenarios, while the third one will derive policy implications:

  • the 1st scenario WS is to be held from 10:00 to 13:00 on 12 June 2023,
  • the 2nd scenario WS is to be held from 16:30 to 19:30 on 26 June 2023,
  • the policy implications WS is to be held in September (tba).

Posted on: 29/11/2024

Last Edited: 7 days ago

HFW Workshop #2: Futures of using nature in rural and marine Europe in 2050

Scenarios and R&I policy implications

Stewardship of land and sea, including access and usage rights in rural regions, use of land and sea space, preservation of biodiversity, and sourcing of energy and raw materials.

The evolving complexity of global challenges is increasingly affecting the steering of European Research and Innovation which aims at addressing important present and future societal concerns. The idea of ‘watching futures’ to anticipate future possibilities and analyse the consequences of current choices to inform and shape a forward-looking EU R&I policy is continuously gaining ground.

In this light, as part of the ‘European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe’ study launched by the European Commission in connection to the Horizon Europe Foresight Network, a series of online workshops will take place during the Spring and early Summer of 2023.

These workshops, which will run for two hours each, will discuss insights stemming from thematic policy briefs compiled by expert panels, addressing possible future scenarios for critical issues (i.e., social confrontations, use and management of land and sea, science for policy, etc.). Each workshop will feature experts from the panels who developed the policy brief, guest speakers from relevant EU R&I projects and policy-makers, and will involve extensive engagement with participants.

Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: 7 days ago

Futures of interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activities - Workshop #1

We organise a series of three workshops: the first two are devoted to devise scenarios, while the third one will derive policy implications.

On behalf of the European Commission, DG Research and Innovation, the “Foresight on Demand” consortium is conducting a foresight-like project “European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe”. Eight deep-dive studies are to be conducted in 2023, leading to policy briefs to support European Union and national policy-makers. One of these topics is the “Futures of interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activities” with a time horizon of 2040.

Please express your interest to contribute to building scenarios on the “Futures of interpenetration of criminal and lawful economic activities” by filling in the form below. This Deep Dive project considers – among other issues – the possibility of identifying, differentiating, and controlling criminal and lawful economic activities, the relevant trend and drivers shaping the possible futures for the interpenetration of these activities, the level of control technically feasible and socially and economically desirable to fight the interpenetration of criminal economic activities. The policy brief will highlight the major implications for EU and national policy-makers, with an emphasis on research and innovation policies.

We organise a series of three workshops: the first two of those are devoted to devise scenarios, while the third one would derive policy implications:

- the 1st scenario WS is to be held from 10:00 to 13:00 on 12 June 2023,

- the 2nd scenario WS is to be held from 16:30 to 19:30 on 26 June 2023,

- the policy implications WS is to be held in September (tba).

Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: 7 days ago

HORIZON FUTURES WATCH WORKSHOP #1: Futures of social confrontations

Challenges for EU policy

Root causes and structural conditions of social confrontations (ideological divisions, discrimination, inequalities in access to resources, environmental issues, etc.) both online and offline.

The evolving complexity of global challenges is increasingly affecting the steering of European Research and Innovation which aims at addressing important present and future societal concerns. The idea of ‘watching futures’ to anticipate future possibilities and analyse the consequences of current choices to inform and shape a forward-looking EU R&I policy is continuously gaining ground.

In this light, as part of the ‘European R&I foresight and public engagement for Horizon Europe’ study launched by the European Commission in connection to the Horizon Europe Foresight Network, a series of online workshops will take place during the Spring and early Summer of 2023.

These workshops, which will run for two hours each, will discuss insights stemming from thematic policy briefs compiled by expert panels, addressing possible future scenarios for critical issues (i.e., social confrontations, use and management of land and sea, science for policy, etc.). Each workshop will feature experts from the panels who developed the policy brief, guest speakers from relevant EU R&I projects and policy-makers, and will involve extensive engagement with participants.

Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: 7 days ago

“Futures4Europe – a platform to connect Europe’s foresight community” - relaunch event

Join us on May 24, 2023 at 10 am for the online relaunch of and find out what's new! Together with members from our community, we will take a look at exciting new features and ways to interact on

Check out our program for more details!

Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: 7 days ago

Futures of Social Confrontations (Workshop)

Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: 7 days ago

Futures of using nature: land and sea (policy implications workshop)

We focus on alternative futures of Europe, on regimes of stewardship of land and sea and address the role of ownership, access and use rights in rural areas (cities excluded), multiple uses of spaces (both land and sea), biodiversity, food (both aquaculture, fisheries and agriculture), energy (use of renewables), raw materials (mining etc.), carbon removal and storage, adaptation to climate change. While the challenges are global, they are addressed especially from the European research and innovation policy perspective.

Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: 7 days ago

Futures of using nature: land and sea (2nd scenario workshop)

We focus on alternative futures of Europe, on regimes of stewardship of land and sea and address the role of ownership, access and use rights in rural areas (cities excluded), multiple uses of spaces (both land and sea), biodiversity, food (both aquaculture, fisheries and agriculture), energy (use of renewables), raw materials (mining etc.), carbon removal and storage, adaptation to climate change. While the challenges are global, they are addressed especially from the European research and innovation policy perspective.

Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: 7 days ago

Futures of using nature: land and sea (1st scenario workshop)

We focus on alternative futures of Europe, on regimes of stewardship of land and sea and address the role of ownership, access and use rights in rural areas (cities excluded), multiple uses of spaces (both land and sea), biodiversity, food (both aquaculture, fisheries and agriculture), energy (use of renewables), raw materials (mining etc.), carbon removal and storage, adaptation to climate change. While the challenges are global, they are addressed especially from the European research and innovation policy perspective.

Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: 7 days ago

Workshop "Foresight towards the 2nd Strategic Plan of Horizon Europe: towards a synthesis."

Background and aim

The European Commission, DG RTD, has commissioned foresight projects to serve as a source of inspiration for the adjustment of existing and the identification of novel directions that Horizon Europe may want to take from 2025 onwards through its 2nd Strategic Plan.

This workshop brings together work from different projects on topics associated with potential disruptions and will aim to tease out implications for R&I policy and its contributions to important emerging challenges and opportunity spaces.

The aim of the workshop is to discuss the explorations of the future in a number of dynamic fields within a community of R&I foresight experts and representatives from European and national R&I policy organisations. The discussion will aim to prepare and strengthen a broader engagement effort through the online platform


  • Experts from the European Commission and the Member States and Associated Countries’ R&I policy agencies
  • Research and subject matter experts
  • Members of
  • Public who is interested in sharing insights and shaping Europe's future

You're invited to participate in the event - simply click on the RSVP button below and add your details to save your spot. The details for the event link will be sent approximately one week before the event via email.

Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: 7 days ago

EU Missions – Responsibility, Co-Creation and Design Thinking

FREE Webinar and Networking Event
EU Missions provide new funding opportunities for impact oriented research and innovation projects in Horizon Europe, the world’s largest research and innovation programme.

EU Missions provide new funding opportunities for impact oriented research and innovation projects in Horizon Europe, the world’s largest research and innovation programme. They

  • address grand societal challenges by applying new forms of governance and collaboration, 
  • aim to mobilise and activate public and private actors to create real and lasting impact, 
  • engage with citizens to boost societal uptake of new solutions and make it easier for them to understand the value of investments in research and innovation.

A broad variety of tools allow for the co-creation of solutions, technologies and products together with different societal groups and individual citizens. In the EU funded project LIVING INNOVATION [], we further developed, tested and documented several of them. Now, we would like to share our insights and initiate new partnerships.  

Attend our Webinar and Networking event and 

  • exchange experiences on how co-creation, responsible and inclusive innovation can be integrated in research and innovation projects, 
  • gain insights into the pros and cons of individual tools, such as Responsible Design Thinking, 
  • initiate new collaborations for your next project and be part of a powerful network.  

Meet our experts:

🔶 Andre Martinuzzi, Head of the Institute for Managing Sustainability and Coordinator of the LIVING INNOVATION project: "Responsible Innovation means to co-develop solutions with and for the people."

🔶 Florian Findler, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Managing Sustainability: "Co-creation needs a clear compass to gain socially desirable outcomes."

🔶 Ursula Kopp, Design Thinking expert and facilitator of national and international stakeholder dialogues: "We integrated key aspects of responsibility and sustainability into design-thinking with a sound scientific basis."

🔶 Anja Grüll, PhD candidate at Vienna University of Economics and Business: "We developed a toolbox for inclusive innovation that allows blind and visually impaired people to participate fully in innovation."

Learn more about the event and sign up on Linkedin .

Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: 7 days ago


For 2022 Rise of AI will return to its roots. On two stages and various interactive formats, our 30+ speakers will cover the following topics which are stated below. Register here:

Since 2015, the annual Rise of AI conference connects AI experts, decision-makers, opinion leaders and game changers to discuss Artificial Intelligence for society, politics and economy.

For 2022 Rise of AI will return to its roots. On two stages and various interactive formats, our 30+ speakers will cover the following topics and more:

  • Is AI evil?
  • Can AI heal the World?
  • AI is happening now, deal with it or die
  • Large AI Models from a Global Perspective
  • Challenges of the European AI ecosystem
  • Social responsibility of media in times of AI
  • Trust in AI - is your AI compliant and explainable?
  • The new AI - how we make AI social, creative and climate-friendly
  • 25-year anniversary: the fastest way of computing all possible metaverses and its consequences for physics and philosophy.

Attendance live in person in Berlin only by invitation (use this Typeform to apply for an invite).

Register online via this link: 

Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: 7 days ago

Futures4Europe Gathering & Networking

During this event, we will shortly introduce new platform features and how to participate before we open the conversation and provide the opportunity for 1:1 networking. We believe that in current times of social distancing and uncertainty, these human connections inspire our thinking.

During this event, we will shortly introduce new platform features and how to participate before we open the conversation and provide the opportunity for 1:1 networking. We believe that in current times of social distancing and uncertainty, these human connections inspire our thinking.

The 1:1 networking sessions enable all participants to simply exchange their field of expertise or start an interesting discussion around one of the topics of our future. We will provide some stimulating questions during the sessions and encourage you to join our Open Space group afterwards to continue growing your network.

To RSVP become a member of our community, so you can interact with others on the platform.

This event has a group. You’re welcome to join the group once you register for the event.

Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: 6 days ago


For the first 100% online Summit for all climate champions, decision makers and procurement leaders, driving climate transformation!
Register on Eventbrite:

Get your ticket now - For the first 100% online Summit for all climate champions, decision makers and procurement leaders, driving climate transformation!

The decade for climate transformation is now!

We all know it: Our world is changing rapidly. And we also know: We hold in our hands the tools to turn this crisis into a positive climate transformation. If we focus on real CO₂ reduction, collaboration and intelligent business decisions, we can use the incredible opportunities today to drive the decarbonisation of whole systems and economies tomorrow.

What awaits you?

Together with scientists, politics and practitioners we are discussing meaningful climate actions to decarbonise companies and their supply chains. As collaborative CLIMATE Community, we share and gain insights into the climate transformation of companies, their measures for climate maturity as well as best practices to make CO₂ reduction possible along the value chain.

Through a mix of interactive panels, workshops and an online fair, you will experience inspiring conversations with world class innovators as well as hands-on working sessions to accelerate your own climate impact. The multi-channel format allows you to create your own agenda , to connect with other participants and to set up personal meetings with climate leaders. The whole summit takes place live and in English.

Who takes part?

Decision makers, procurement leaders and climate officers from companies that have embraced climate transformation and work on the decarbonisation of their company and supply chain. You will soon find the first speakers here: Get your ticket here:

How can I take part?

▲ You are driving the climate transformation in your company or along the supply chain and want to learn how to truly take climate actions to decarbonise your entire value chain? Awesome, we cannot wait for you to join! Get your Ticket now.  

  • Our ticket categories are based on the size of your company and are sold on the basis of trust. The link to access the summit as well as further info material will be send to your email address, shortly before the summit.  
  • The summit is designed to empower company leaders, climate officers, purchasers and everyone implementing the climate transformation of its company from within - aiming to take smart, climate relevant business decisions. 
  • Each ticket helps cover the costs of the summit and supports selected climate projects.  

▲ You are a leader from a climate pioneering company, aiming to share your challenges and learnings? Or you are an innovator, who empowers other companies to reduce emissions and to decarbonise their supply chain? We are excited to get to know you! Write as at:

▲ You are a climate enthusiast or media rockstar and you like to support the #CTS2022 as a partner? We are happy to work with you. Please contact as at:

▲ THE CLIMATE CHOICE organises the #CTS2022, already the third edition of the, as part of its mission to empower every company to become a climate champion. As ClimateTech company from Berlin we provide the SaaS platform for the decarbonisation of companies and their supply chains.

Register on Eventbrite: 

Posted on: 05/12/2024

Last Edited: 6 days ago


Get your ticket now - For the first 100% online Summit for all climate champions, decision makers and procurement leaders, driving climate transformation!

The decade for climate transformation is now!

We all know it: Our world is changing rapidly. And we also know: We hold in our hands the tools to turn this crisis into a positive climate transformation. If we focus on real CO₂ reduction, collaboration and intelligent business decisions, we can use the incredible opportunities today to drive the decarbonisation of whole systems and economies tomorrow.

What awaits you?

Together with scientists, politics and practitioners we are discussing meaningful climate actions to decarbonise companies and their supply chains. As collaborative CLIMATE Community, we share and gain insights into the climate transformation of companies, their measures for climate maturity as well as best practices to make CO₂ reduction possible along the value chain.

Through a mix of interactive panels, workshops and an online fair, you will experience inspiring conversations with world class innovators as well as hands-on working sessions to accelerate your own climate impact. The multi-channel format allows you to create your own agenda , to connect with other participants and to set up personal meetings with climate leaders. The whole summit takes place live and in English.

Who takes part?

Decision makers, procurement leaders and climate officers from companies that have embraced climate transformation and work on the decarbonisation of their company and supply chain. You will soon find the first speakers here: Get your ticket here:

How can I take part?

▲ You are driving the climate transformation in your company or along the supply chain and want to learn how to truly take climate actions to decarbonise your entire value chain? Awesome, we cannot wait for you to join! Get your Ticket now.  

  • Our ticket categories are based on the size of your company and are sold on the basis of trust. The link to access the summit as well as further info material will be send to your email address, shortly before the summit.  
  • The summit is designed to empower company leaders, climate officers, purchasers and everyone implementing the climate transformation of its company from within - aiming to take smart, climate relevant business decisions. 
  • Each ticket helps cover the costs of the summit and supports selected climate projects. 

▲ You are a leader from a climate pioneering company, aiming to share your challenges and learnings? Or you are an innovator, who empowers other companies to reduce emissions and to decarbonise their supply chain? We are excited to get to know you! Write as at:

▲ You are a climate enthusiast or media rockstar and you like to support the #CTS2022 as a partner? We are happy to work with you. Please contact as at:

▲ THE CLIMATE CHOICE organises the #CTS2022, already the third edition of the, as part of its mission to empower every company to become a climate champion. As ClimateTech company from Berlin we provide the SaaS platform for the decarbonisation of companies and their supply chains.

Register on Eventbrite: 

Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: 3 days ago

#EUGreenWeek - Loops 2.0: a dialogue with DIGIPRIME and EFPF

Todays topic will be in alignment of the #EUGreenWeek 2022: EU GREEN DEAL - MAKE IT REAL. Together with DIGIPRIME and EFPF, we will take a closer look at digital technology to boost a more resillient economy!
DIGIPRIME and EFPF are two Horizon 2020 projects focused on developing digital platforms.

As the Horizon 2020 research program becomes Horizon Europe, what better time to witness how great ideas turned into real projects? LOOPS will be the opportunity to show what cutting-edge research has been produced, and which changes it can bring to our communities. For those who are not familiar with it, LOOPS is a live webinar series committed to spotlighting innovation in the field of circular economy and sustainability.

Todays topic will be in alignment of the #EUGreenWeek 2022: EU GREEN DEAL - MAKE IT REAL. Together with DIGIPRIME and EFPF, we will take a closer look at digital technology to boost a more resillient economy!

DIGIPRIME and EFPF, are two Horizon 2020 projects focused on developing digital platforms.

Speakers of today will be Marcello Colledani from DIGIPRIME and Alexandros Nizamis from EFPF.

The Secretary General of Veltha, Luca Polidory will be the host of todays episode.

Check out DIGIPRIME here:

Check out EFPF here:

Watch here: 

Posted on: 07/12/2024

Last Edited: 6 days ago

#EUGreenWeek - Loops 2.0: a dialogue with DIGIPRIME and EFPF

Todays topic will be in alignment of the #EUGreenWeek 2022: EU GREEN DEAL - MAKE IT REAL. Together with DIGIPRIME and EFPF, we will take a closer look at digital technology to boost a more resillient economy!
DIGIPRIME and EFPF, are two Horizon 2020 projects focused on developing digital platforms.

Watch here .

As the Horizon 2020 research program becomes Horizon Europe, what better time to witness how great ideas turned into real projects? LOOPS will be the opportunity to show what cutting-edge research has been produced, and which changes it can bring to our communities. For those who are not familiar with it, LOOPS is a live webinar series committed to spotlighting innovation in the field of circular economy and sustainability.

Todays topic will be in alignment of the #EUGreenWeek 2022: EU GREEN DEAL - MAKE IT REAL. Together with DIGIPRIME and EFPF, we will take a closer look at digital technology to boost a more resillient economy!

DIGIPRIME and EFPF, are two Horizon 2020 projects focused on developing digital platforms.

Speakers of today will be Marcello Colledani from DIGIPRIME and Alexandros Nizamis from EFPF.

The Secretary General of Veltha, Luca Polidory will be the host of todays episode.

Check out DIGIPRIME here:

Check out EFPF here:

Watch here:

Posted on: 05/12/2024

Last Edited: 5 days ago

AI: The Global Green Deal | Virtual Conference 20+ Speakers 3k+ Attendees

This conference brings twenty industry leaders and experts together to spotlight the current and future best business practices propelled by AI and other cognitive technologies. Register here:

In Brief

There are no organisations and industries which should not put green business practices on the top of their agenda. This conference brings twenty industry leaders and experts together to spotlight the current and future best business practices propelled by AI and other cognitive technologies, paving our path to a future with a societal welfare and blooming economies on a healthy planet.

In Detail

Stemming out from the idea of the European Green Deal initiated by the European Commission, this conference escalates the challenge to the global agenda. In our globalized world where everything is interconnected, best practices have no boarders – neither geographically nor in time. How we run our businesses has a crucial impact not only on immediate business performance but also on people, societies, and economies worldwide, as well as on our fragile planet, both today and in the future.

It is our top responsibility today to find the most innovative practices and applications that pave our ways into a sustainable future. Emerging technologies play a fundamental role in this – making processes more effective and products greener while minimizing waste and lowering the use & costs of resources.

Main Focus Points – Insights into best business practices featured by AI – Technological Social Responsibility – The need and potentials of cognitive technology innovations – Challenges, successes, failures, solutions, potentials.

Register here: 

Posted on: 05/12/2024

Last Edited: 5 days ago

Knowledge Sharing | Future(s) of Foresight in Czechia

How to build foresight capacities within the public sector - join our knowledge sharing session, where Alexandre presents results and insights from past foresight projects, as well as perspectives for the future(s) of foresight in Czechia.

In the last 2 years, České priority delivered foresight studies for various clients within the Czech public sector (Office of the Government, Municipality of Prague) and is currently setting up its own project aiming at building foresight capacities within the public sector. This session will thus cover the results and insights from past foresight projects, as well as perspectives for the future(s) of foresight in Czechia.

About Alexandre Reznikow

Alexandre Reznikow is a researcher and policy analyst in the independent think-tank "Czech priorities" (České priority ), which aims at promoting and supporting evidence-informed decision making in the Czech public sector.

Posted on: 05/12/2024

Last Edited: 3 days ago

Futures4Europe Gathering & Networking

During this event, we will shortly introduce new platform features and how to participate before we open the conversation and provide the opportunity for 1:1 networking. We believe that in current times of social distancing and uncertainty, these human connections inspire our thinking.

During this event, we will shortly introduce new platform features and how to participate before we open the conversation and provide the opportunity for 1:1 networking. We believe that in current times of social distancing and uncertainty, these human connections inspire our thinking.

The 1:1 networking sessions enable all participants to simply exchange their field of expertise or start an interesting discussion around one of the topics of our future. We will provide some stimulating questions during the sessions and encourage you to join our Open Space group afterwards to continue growing your network.

To RSVP become a member of our community, so you can interact with others on the platform.

This event has a group. You’re welcome to join the group once you register for the event.

Posted on: 07/12/2024

Last Edited: 3 days ago

Workshop | Futures Wheels

The Futures Wheel is a form of structured brainstorming that helps participants visualize the impact of trends or emerging signals.
Registration is closed

In this workshop, we will use the method Futures Wheel to explore the following futures topics:

  • Smart Spaces
  • Climate Change
  • Global Commons
  • Social Confrontation
  • Criminal and Lawful Activities
  • Transhumanist Revolution
  • General AI
  • Alternative Energy Sources

The participants can decide between different breakout rooms to discuss the impacts of the topics on the near and far future.

Purpose of the method
The Futures Wheel is a form of structured brainstorming that helps participants visualize how and to what extent trends or events might impact the organization, society or strategy area in question. It is particularly useful for identifying and mapping connections and causalities. It also helps us think far into the future as it is a very flexible, yet powerful tool.

Read more:

Posted on: 07/12/2024

Last Edited: 3 days ago

Knowledge Sharing | Youth Futures

In this talk, Adam will share stories behind the scenes of his work using futures to engage youth in development projects and policy making.

In this talk, Adam will share stories behind the scenes of his work using futures to engage youth in development projects and policy making. His experience can provide guidance and inspiration to encourage urgent investment in young people's human, social and cultural capital, using futures as a framework for action.

About Adam Sharpe

Adam Sharpe is a youth development specialist and futurist who is using the future to engage intergenerational groups in development policies and practices, maximizing their contribution to a better future for all. Adam founded youth futures think tank Futurely , co-founded the online futures learning platform Metafuture School and consults for multinational organisations including the United Nations and the Asian Development Bank. He is a member of the Association of Professional Futurists, sits on the working committee of the Asia Pacific Futures Network.

Posted on: 07/12/2024

Last Edited: 3 days ago

Open Discourse - AI and Transhumanism

How machines will change our lives in the future?

Every month we discuss a different emerging topic and invite experts to start the discussion. Afterwards, the community has the opportunity to engage in the discussion.

Topic in April: AI and Transhumanism - How machines will change our lives in the future?


  • Fabian J. G. Westerheide (Founder & CEO of Rise of AI)
  • Ana Chubinidze (AI Governance, AI Policy Advisor, CEO @AdalanAI & Founder @AIGI)
  • Samira Khan ( Director, Citizenship + Market Dev, AI & Sustainability at Microsoft)
  • Elisa Czerski (Founder and CEO at N Robotics )

Each month we discuss a different emerging topic and invite experts to open the discussion in a panel setup. Afterwards, the community has the opportunity to engage in the discussion via a QnA or Fishbowl session, depending on the topic and the number of participants.

If you're interested in becoming a speaker for one of our other events, please send us an email at

Posted on: 07/12/2024

Last Edited: 3 days ago

Platform Kick-Off

We will give you a short introduction to Futures4All and explain how you can use this platform to connect, create, inspire, and be inspired. At the end of the event, you will also have the opportunity to ask questions.

Posted on: 07/12/2024

Last Edited: 5 days ago

Knowledge Sharing | Future(s) of Foresight in Czechia


Posted on: 05/12/2024

Last Edited: 5 days ago

Knowledge Sharing | Future(s) of Foresight in Czechia


Posted on: 05/12/2024

Last Edited: 6 days ago



Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: 6 days ago



Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: 6 days ago


For the first 100% online Summit for all climate champions, decision makers and procurement leaders, driving climate transformation!
Register on Eventbrite:

Get your ticket now - For the first 100% online Summit for all climate champions, decision makers and procurement leaders, driving climate transformation!

The decade for climate transformation is now!

We all know it: Our world is changing rapidly. And we also know: We hold in our hands the tools to turn this crisis into a positive climate transformation. If we focus on real CO₂ reduction, collaboration and intelligent business decisions, we can use the incredible opportunities today to drive the decarbonisation of whole systems and economies tomorrow.

What awaits you?

Together with scientists, politics and practitioners we are discussing meaningful climate actions to decarbonise companies and their supply chains. As collaborative CLIMATE Community, we share and gain insights into the climate transformation of companies, their measures for climate maturity as well as best practices to make CO₂ reduction possible along the value chain.

Through a mix of interactive panels, workshops and an online fair, you will experience inspiring conversations with world class innovators as well as hands-on working sessions to accelerate your own climate impact. The multi-channel format allows you to create your own agenda , to connect with other participants and to set up personal meetings with climate leaders. The whole summit takes place live and in English.

Who takes part?

Decision makers, procurement leaders and climate officers from companies that have embraced climate transformation and work on the decarbonisation of their company and supply chain. You will soon find the first speakers here: Get your ticket here:

How can I take part?

▲ You are driving the climate transformation in your company or along the supply chain and want to learn how to truly take climate actions to decarbonise your entire value chain? Awesome, we cannot wait for you to join! Get your Ticket now.

- Our ticket categories are based on the size of your company and are sold on the basis of trust. The link to access the summit as well as further info material will be send to your email address, shortly before the summit.

- The summit is designed to empower company leaders, climate officers, purchasers and everyone implementing the climate transformation of its company from within - aiming to take smart, climate relevant business decisions.

- Each ticket helps cover the costs of the summit and supports selected climate projects.

▲ You are a leader from a climate pioneering company, aiming to share your challenges and learnings? Or you are an innovator, who empowers other companies to reduce emissions and to decarbonise their supply chain? We are excited to get to know you! Write as at:

▲ You are a climate enthusiast or media rockstar and you like to support the #CTS2022 as a partner? We are happy to work with you. Please contact as at:

▲ THE CLIMATE CHOICE organises the #CTS2022, already the third edition of the, as part of its mission to empower every company to become a climate champion. As ClimateTech company from Berlin we provide the SaaS platform for the decarbonisation of companies and their supply chains.

Register on Eventbrite: 


Posted on: 04/12/2024

Last Edited: a month ago

Ioana Spanache

When the path is blocked, create a new one.

Policy & Evaluation Specialist
Foresight Expert

Posted on: 31/10/2024